乐盈VI 由德国农业协会(DLG) 主办的EuroTier 2018国际畜牧业展览会将于11月13-16日在德国汉诺威隆重举办。世界顶级的畜牧业机械和设备、饲料和饲料添加剂、动保、兽药等都会参与其中,被誉为全世界规模最大、最专业、最具影响力的畜牧展。
The EuroTier 2018 International Livestock Exhibition, hosted by the German Agricultural Association (DLG), will be held in Hanover, Germany from November 13th to 16th. EuroTier is the world‘s leading exhibition of animal husbandry machinery and equipment, feed and feed additives, animal health, veterinary drugs, etc. Eurotier is hailed as the largest, most professional and influential animal husbandry exhibition in the world.
乐盈VI 作为全球领先、国际一流、兼具综合性与专业性的畜牧业展会,EuroTier 2018将迎来全球近百个国家,2600多个参展商,约16万人次专业观众。
As the world‘s leading, comprehensive and professional animal husbandry exhibition, EuroTier 2018 will serve more than 2,600 exhibitors and 160,000 professional visitors from nearly 100 countries around the world.
Addeasy Bio-technology Co., Ltd. (Booth No.: 03D27a) is a large-scale acidifier manufacturer, we are willing to exchange experience with the animal husbandry in the world, seek cooperation, and seek common development to lead the trend of lower antibiotic in livestock industry. Welcome.